How a Masculine Man Cherishes Your Feelings


Hello Beautiful Goddesses,

I have to share with you a day in the life of a feminine goddess. I am the feminine goddess and yesterday was the very stressful and strange day.

This is what happened - El Guapo (my husband) decided he was going to paint our living room over the long holiday weekend. This is something he knows would make me very happy! Yet, after he made this declaration, he also said he wanted to paint the living room a dark chocolate brown. WTF?!?!?!? I just about died. There is no way I was going to let him paint our living room dark brown. Our living room currently is a pretty light beige with white crown molding.

So, after feeling like a wildfire set off inside my belly, I took a deep breath and tried to figure out how I was going to use my feminine energy to work with the insanity of what he wanted. In feminine and masculine energy dynamics, the masculine energy often leads but the masculine will sacrifice to cherish the feminine feelings of his woman. This is what I had to keep in mind. Who would've thought that picking a paint color would trigger me so much?

“Who would've thought that picking a paint color would trigger me so much?”

The first thing I did was show El Guapo with my facial expressions that I was very uncomfortable with his idea. With him being a strong masculine man that cherishes my feelings, he then told me that I could pick the color. I was relieved and thought everything was fine until he kept inserting his opinion at the paint store. Ladies, it took everything in me to not go off on him about what a horrible idea dark brown paint was and WTF was he thinking and tell him to back off because home decor is my department. Yet, this would not get me what I want, which is a man that feels respected and continues to want to cherish my feelings. So, I stayed calm and soft and kept picking out lighter colors. Then he…… kept picking darker colors lol!

“Yet, this would not get me what I want, which is a man that feels respected and continues to want to cherish my feelings”

So, the second thing I did was a major check-in with my body because I could feel this was activating a trigger inside me. A trigger that I didn’t even know I had. I think it was a loss of control trigger. After feeling the sensations in my body and some deep breaths, I continued to softly let him know that I preferred lighter colors and was willing to compromise a bit.

On a side note, the commentary in my head the whole day was hilarious. I kept thinking - Are you effin crazy? Just leave me and my paint chips alone! Why are you trying to control home decor? Back off mthereffer! Yet, you would all be proud to know I remained centered. I did not criticize him. I just reminded him that he was allowing me to choose and I would keep his preference in mind.

“Just leave me and my paint chips alone!”

So by late afternoon, we were down to two colors. I picked one that felt good and yet was still a shade darker then my preference. Yet, I was happy because it was far from his chosen chocolate brown. When he looked at my color he said, “it still seems a bit light.” Instead of flipping out, I said “Thank you for putting my feelings first and letting me pick the color” and I kissed him on the cheek. I knew he was not happy but he was sacrificing for me. He was putting my feelings above his own. I accepted his gift and stayed calm and loving.

At the end of the day, I still do not know how I managed to avoid major conflict (blame, shame, or you suck argument.) I mean, seriously all this trigger/healing work I have done and a paint color was about to have me blow it. No, my friends. I stayed within the realm of the Goddess. I was not going down.

“I stayed within the realm of the Goddess. I was not going down”

So, am I happy with the new living room paint color? Yes, I am happy because my feelings were cherished and I handled the situation with grace and love. Is he angry or resentful? No, he is not because in his mind he made me happy. He didn’t mind sacrificing for my happiness. You see masculine men feel honored to put their woman’s feelings above their own. The other important point here is that I LET him sacrifice. I let him be uncomfortable and I thanked him over and over. I activated his hero!

“I activated his hero!”

Now, he is going to paint on Saturday and even though I know it will be a shade darker then I prefer, for the sake of romantic love, I will make sure he still feels like a hero. The emotional, physical, and other gifts I receive are well worth it. At the end of the day, I know attacking him and criticizing his idea would have killed our whole dynamic. In the end, I am a goddess that understands the energies that make love flow and keep attraction high. I am a goddess that allows her masculine man to give and I am a goddess that knows the feminine art of receiving.

Much Love,

Malena xoxo

Instagram: @artoflovingaman

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