“When I first started working with Malena, I was completely disconnected from myself. I didn’t realize that intimacy and deep connection with others can only come once we feel safe enough to have that level of intimacy with ourselves. Through learning how to track sensations in my body, I have opened my heart to ME, and learned to dissolve the triggers and stories in my head. While not perfect I have the tools I need to re-center in any given moment. If you are ready to transform your world from inside to out, there’s no one better than Malena to gently guide you on that journey.”

Allison - New York

"Malena gives the gift of guiding women to appreciate their worth, and to fall in love with their own souls. She teaches women that having a man and a partnership is a beautiful bonus and compliment to a feminine woman; however, true grace and joy results from always standing within your own power and beauty." 

Ariana  - England

“Malena and her work has truly inspired me. At first, I thought it was about bringing (what I thought was my) Emotionally Unavailable Man closer. But what I've come to realize is, the more I study her teachings shared on social media and reading her blog, I have a renewed sense of self. Inner work is powerful and takes time and as a result of conquering those demons that occasionally appear, I'm becoming a better woman for myself and those around me. Bringing him closer is just icing on the cake now. Thanks Malena for all you do! Please keep it coming!”


“Malena saved me from myself and from making the same mistakes over and over. She helped me turn my relationship around. My relationship went from chaotic and hostile to warm and loving. Her coaching really works miracles.”

Joreen - Los Angeles, CA

“What is most compelling about Malena is not only her gift for understanding complex relational dynamics, but a deep sense that she has embodied these truths through her own difficult work and speaks out of a place of having been transformed herself.  These are not simply tools that she passes on to tinker around with simple behavior, but she guides you to access a revelatory understanding of yourself and old wounds that perpetuate tiring dynamics within you. 

Malena helps to identify old cycles of thought and to shift into a place of loving yourself, of being compassionate and gracious, so to feel empowered to live out of a place of love.  Because she has internalized these themes in her own life, her way of seeing and her deep intuition to recognize certain truths is both sharp and tremendously insightful.  And how she comes alongside you is more to inspire and to give you a vision of how things could be, which brings great hope.”

 Angela - Los Angeles, CA

“Malena saved my marriage! I never realized how masculine and controlling I was. I never gave my husband a chance to step up. She helped me realize I was part of the problem before it was too late. She is very valuable and I highly recommend her to anyone that is ready to take a deep look at themselves and how they contribute to the problems in their love life. She will help you turn things around. She is so knowledgeable and fun to work with.”

Michelle - Los Angeles, CA

“Malena is a true diamond. Compassionate, kind and soft. Unshakably strong and authentic. A beautiful goddess inside and outside.

I was looking for a personal relationship coach for a long time and was asking the universe for help when I stumbled over Malena's website. I went with my feeling and messaged Malena.

I am very grateful to have Malena as a coach in my life. Her soft, feminine nature allows and invites me to be myself. She also brings in spirituality, which makes her work so profound.

Because she has done the work herself, all her advice and teachings come from a calm, clear place, which gives me the confidence that I/we can transcend the pain and blossom into the radiant flower I/we am/are.

Malena has gone beyond to answer all my questions and I do have many. I am still on my journey but her tools give me the strength to dig deep and face all my emotions.

Thank you for your guinuine guidance.

Please keep sharing your light.”


'‘OMG!! this woman is the real deal!! she has legit helped me get through a break-up when I was at the weakest point in my life! 
I love how she adds a spiritual twist to the healing process. She is always available and quick to help you when you are desperately in need. I love how she follows up with you also. Highly recommended!’

Jennifer - NYC

“Malena is genuinely and intuitively knowledgeable about the healing path. She has lived and practiced exactly what she’s guiding you toward - ultimate emotional freedom and happiness. She doesn’t falter when you test the work at hand. She encourages you. She’s is a light in the darkness. Her practices are true, worthy and get you on the fast track to a healing path if you’re committed. Malena guides with love and friendship always, and with true strength and understanding✨ Malena is the most gracious and beautifully committed coach I have ever worked with. 💕 Thank you girl!!! So happy I found ya. xx”

Michelle - PR

“My entire life changed the day I had a mental and relationship breakdown for what seemed like the 10 millionth time.  I was in desperate need of outside help.  Someway, somehow, anything!!! I was crying and just so sick of so many things and the fact that I was the cause of another failing relationship and couldn’t figure out what was “wrong” with me ?!??!?!! That day I stumbled across Malena’s coaching. I was so nervous about the email I sent her. I was thinking of how stupid I might sound and wondering if a computer or a real person was going to message me back and how many thousands of dollars it would cost.

Ok well, she (a real live Goddess, NOT A COMPUTER) sent me an email that same day !! She wanted to do a phone call.  I was thinking omg I can’t even tell this lady my situation and how upside down my life is.  She set up a time and she called me.  So I talked to her and explained everything to her and felt surprisingly completely comfortable telling her how crazy of a mess my life was and how I epically failed and acted crazy in my current relationship... she was so sweet and non-judgmental and just accepted me and my situation for what it was and gave me an outside view and experienced professional opinion.  

She changed my life!!! That night I did a meditation... for the first time... also another changing point...  I found myself in a new way.  I felt my feelings instead of labeling myself as a crazy bitch !!!  She guided me on how to deal with MYSELF and more importantly how to LOVE MYSELF. I still have a long way to go.   It’s a life journey.   But I started her coaching about 3 months ago and I still need her help when my old ways shine through !!! She has taught me so much about myself in such a short time...  I understand what it means to love yourself.

I used to think I loved myself but I did not. I just said I did.  Now I KNOW who I am and I’m still learning but I love the goddess I’m becoming... and the perk of loving myself is the man in my life... is still IN MY LIFE. If it wasn’t for that day I was at a complete loss and stumbled across Malena I would have most definitely sent that man running for the hills or anywhere to get away from me.  Now he would cross any mountain just to get to me. 

Thank you Malena!!!  You are amazing, beautiful, amazing to talk to, and of course THE GODDESS OF GODDESSES !!!! Looooooovvvveeee uuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!”

Mandie Leigh - Georgia, U.S.

”Love, Love Love! Malena really gets to the heart of things. She helped me realize that I needed to focus on me first then the beautiful relationship will follow.”

Tracy - Maine

“Malena is such a great listener, she saw through my BS that I was telling myself and walked me through my own healing.
I cannot say enough great things about her as a coach.”

Charlotte - Santa Barbara, CA