The Goddess - Finding Our Way Home


Sometimes I feel like I run out of things to say about relationships, men and healing. I feel like a broken record repeating the same mantras over and over. As I scan the internet for inspiration I wonder how did things go so wrong between men and women. It’s not just in the United States either. I get views on my blog from all over the world. The most popular blogs on my website are,

-What to do when men retreat to their cave

-Leaning back and standing still will allow your man to come to you

-A real man wants a woman who is playful

-Stop chasing your man and stand still

-Are you tired of waiting for him to commit?

-Lean back and bring your man close

Do you notice a theme? Women are suffering and have lost the art of love and relationships. I am not sure who to blame. We can blame men and say they are all jerks and unavailable, but that would be too easy. Women play a role also. Whatever the reason, the burden is still on us women to straighten it out. I know some people reading this might say, “why don’t men have to figure it out too?” Well they do, but we are the gatekeepers of the emotional & spiritual world. So we set the precedent. Men are in charge of the physical realm and they often live in their minds. Women are in charge of the spiritual world and we live from our hearts. We hand men the keys to the world of emotions, sensuality and deep love. This is our feminine gift to the world and mankind. I believe we are on the road back to reclaiming our rightful position as the Goddess. With this said, I have noticed the internet is flooded with relationship coaches, articles and webinars on how to get back in touch with your feminine mystique and how to navigate relations with men so they pursue and cherish you. The fact that there is a resurgence of these ideas is beautiful. We are finding our way home ladies! Here are some of my favorite relationship coaches and authors to check out to help you along your way.

Relationship Coaches:

Rori Raye, Christian Carter, Pat Allen, David Deida, Kristina Marchant, Katarina Phang, Mathew Boggs, Adrienne Everhart


Marianne Williamson, Eckhart Tolle, Michael Singer, Pat Allen

Much Love,


For personal coaching email me at - or call/text 818-425-9735

I will respond within 24hrs

Malena Violeta