Goddess Secrets

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Letting go of control is probably about the most difficult thing a woman faces in her relationship with a man. Letting a man lead and respecting his relationship timeline and emotional tempo (the time it takes for him to become more intimate and vulnerable) can drive any woman into wild hysterics. Men want to feel that they are the ones moving the relationship forward and making decisions based on what they want and women can make the big mistake of not giving a man the space for him to lean in towards them. If a woman begins to push a man and control, he will only resist more. Even if he wants what she wants, if she pushes he will resist. I know it does not sound fair, but once you accept it is this way you can move beyond it. If you embody the characteristics of a Goddess you can gentle and lovingly  guide him toward a beautiful relationship. It requires tremendous emotional and mental courage and strength to do this. You must learn to lovingly accept certain situations as they exist for now, you must be patient and compassionate. Above all else you must have mercy on him when it feels like your needs are not being met. You cannot make him into the enemy. It will only create distance between you. You must allow him to be when he hits the limits of how much he can give or love. You must see the goodness in him and keep your heart open so he can learn to grow and become more. When the fire begins to burn in you and  you want to blame him, you must know that the relationship is doing exactly what it is meant to do - it is causing you to learn how to love deeper and let go of control. 

Malena Violeta