You cannot change a man, you can only change yourself
“She Learned To Create An Emotional Experience That Triggers Openness And Affection In A Man... And YOU Can Learn To Do It, Too!” Christian Carter
When I first read the above statement from amazing relationship coach Christian Carter I was skeptical and intrigued. Then after watching several of his programs and reading his weekly newsletter I began to catch on to this idea that it is the emotional experience you bring to a man that makes him want more of you or makes him want to run for the hills. I have to admit at first I was embarrassed and angry because I knew the emotional experience I brought to my man was anything but pleasant. Since what I was doing was definitely not working I decided to give Christian’s idea a shot. So I took on the arduous task of taking responsibility for my feelings and reactions. That means not blaming my man for how I feel, but instead bringing more awareness to my own reactions and patterns of thought. This was soooo not easy, but well worth the effort. The more in touch I became with my feelings, the more I could FEEL my feelings (and let them go) and the less reactive and volatile I became. This resulted in a much lighter, loving and compassionate energy I brought to my man and the relationship. I immediately saw the turnaround in my man! He wanted to be around me more, he called me more, he went out of his way to have us be together and he made more and more plans for the future. Viola! I found the answer to having a wonderful relationship – It’s the emotional experience you bring to your man. This triggers something in him that allows him to let down his guard and allows you to be the woman he feels safe and good around and in turn he opens his heart and showers you with affection and love. It’s like an amazing yummy recipe!