A Real Man is Looking for A Goddess, Not Someone He Has To Fix
I cannot get enough of Christian Carter's work (www.catchhimandkeephim.com). I promise you if you watch some of his video programs you will be saved ;) His explanation of what triggers a man's love and commitment is sometimes hard to hear, but worth every minute. At the end of the day his message is simple - Men do not want to be depended on to fix a woman's emotional problems. They want a woman who has control over her emotional world and a woman who challenges him to become a better man. You know what that means ladies?? It means we have to get our sh*& together if we want a real intimate relationship with a real man. See blog post below by Christian Carter.
Much Love,
Banish The Internal Fears, Insecurity and Hopelessness That Are Holding You Back From Love - Now And Forever
Can you think of a time or experience with a man when you KNEW it was YOU who screwed up? Maybe you got a little freaked out or jealous over something small, and you lost control over your emotions and drove your man away.
Or perhaps you became paralyzed with fear that the guy in your life wouldn’t like you, get tired of you, or that he’ll leave you for someone else.
Have you ever met a great man and found yourself thinking about him all the time? You find yourself so afraid that you’ll lose him that you start emailing, calling, and trying to secretly know what he is doing at all times.
Or maybe you keep attracting the wrong men… men who want to be mothered, who want you to give up your friends and hobbies to be at his beck and call. Do you find yourself giving up your life just to make him happy, because you are afraid of the alternative?
Or perhaps you’ve gotten so sad about the lack of love in your life that you’ve begun to feel that you don’t deserve love from an exceptional man who truly cares about you.
These situations are incredibly painful, not just because it often causes the man you like to run away… but because you know, deep down, that it was YOU who messed up!
It wasn’t him. Or the the situation. Or the full moon. It was your feelings and actions that drove him away.
You could feel that you were out of control of yourself and the situation, and you could feel your emotions and fear were taking over… but you just couldn’t get CONTROL of yourself.
You knew it was bad, and you knew it was driving him away, but couldn’t help it.
A Man Can’t Fix Your Problem… Only YOU Can
When faced with these difficult realizations, what do you do?
Are you secretly waiting for the RIGHT MAN to show up who will see past the fear, anxiety, and out of control emotions and instead love you for who you are?
That if you could just meet the right man, all of your problems, fears, and disappointments would simply go away?
I think we’ve all felt this way at one time or another. It’s nice and comforting to think that one day we will all meet the love of our lives and live happily ever after. In fact, this fairytale has been burned into our minds since we were all very young.
Only problem is… that’s not going to happen.
It is very dangerous to allow ourselves to believe this fairy tale, because it allows us to overlook the real source of the problem.
Now pay attention, because what I am about to tell you is BIG:
Your fear, anxiety, insecurity and out of control emotions won’t be SOLVED by a great man. They are the REASON you haven’t found it him yet.
Many of us hold onto a subconscious belief that someone is going to come along and see us for who we truly are inside, recognize our beauty, and accept us wholly for who we are.
And while this does happen every once in awhile, the reality is if YOU aren’t the one who sees and recognizes it YOURSELF first, then the odds of someone else coming along and doing it are very small.
Just like you probably don’t want to be a “mother” to a man, man also doesn’t want a woman who is going to want a “daddy” to take care of her.
No way.
A real man… the kind of man you want to be with… is looking for a woman: a lover, a queen, a goddess.
Someone to love him and challenge him. Not someone who he has to try and “fix”.
However, in order to be that mature, attractive, confident woman, you need to learn how to take control of your emotions and break through the emotional and psychological barriers that are keeping you from a happy relationship with the man of your dreams.
But dealing with our internal demons is some of the hardest work we can do.
Our fears and insecurities are deep rooted, and often hidden from our own consciousness. Getting rid of them requires help.
When you get yourself in “alignment” and are in the right emotional state, you start to create a powerful force that instantly draws good things to you.
That’s where I come in.
Stop Pushing Love Away: Transform Yourself Into Into A Love Magnet
I like to think of your own emotional and internal state as a kind of “magnet“ when it comes to your relationship.
When you don’t know what you want, what to do, and know what’s going on inside you… then you don’t have a very strong “charge“ to your own internal magnet.
And you don’t have much ability to pull things towards you without a whole lot of work.
But when you get yourself in “alignment“ and are in the right internal and emotional state, you start to create a very powerful change or force that instantly draws things to you.
My Ready For Love program is THE GUIDE any woman can use to “re-align“ herself so that she’ll pull the right man, the right situations, and the right relationship to her.
You know that feeling when you’re “in the groove“ and things just come to you, one after the other? It’s like there’s a powerful force that is bringing happiness and good things into your life and your day. But it’s NOT anexternal force - it’s an internal force that you can magnify to draw happiness and love to you EVERY DAY.
You can very quickly “align“ with this powerful force inside you when it comes to true and lasting LOVE… and that’s exactly where my program can help you out. (www.catchhimandkeephim.com)