Happy Women Attract Men That Commit
Reposted from James Bauer's blog - http://blog.beirresistible.com
A survey was done as men walked out of marriage license bureaus.
These are the guys we most want to hear from. They are the men who fell head-over-heels in love…AND popped the question, “Will you marry me?”
The survey asked why. Why did you ask this woman to marry you?
The survey revealed men’s number one reason for initial attraction to a woman was her energetic and positive attitude.
In other words, being upbeat and happy is attractive to men who want a life-long commitment.
It turns out that putting happiness as a high priority in your life can help you catch a keeper. They may be lured in by that sexy, pouty lower lip, but it won’t hold them for long.
Men may not be emotional geniuses, but their instincts serve them well on this measure of emotional intelligence.
Men want to feel good and want a calm, loving environment. This can only come from a woman who is happy with herself and transfers these feelings to her relationship.